Quotes from Students
Quotes from 6th Grade Students:
“When you pick up an instrument it’s like learning how to talk all over again in a new language.”
“If you try hard, you can succeed at playing an instrument.”
“Being in band and playing an instrument positively influenced my life because it allows me to be able to express myself and to find myself. When I play, I find myself in a whole other world.”
“Band has positively influenced my life by teaching me to enjoy things more. I love music, and here I can express what I love.”
“You should join Band because it’s an awesome experience. The songs are fun to play and the teacher is awesome.”
“It’s like learning a new language that has musical notes in it. Sure there are a few bumps in the road but if I work hard, I’ll get it.”
“Making music has made me aware of the sounds and natural music around me.”
To a 4th Grader: “Go for it. Mr. Glynn is a really nice person and sky is the limit. It improved my grades and it is fun.”
“Band has influenced me a lot. I have met new friends and learned a lot of music that I didn’t already know. I hope I can keep learning more. The teachers can be a little hard on you, but they do it to unlock your true potential.”
“It gives me more to do during a day, more to think about, and more things to try to excell at! Band is an amazing opportunity to make new friends and find new talents.”
“Band is awesome!! You should try it.”
“Now that I play an instrument my life is much more joyful and energized. I didn’t think I would like it, but I loved it.”
Quotes from 8th Grade Students:
“Usually I am shy, but band gives me a chance to be up on stage in front of people and not be nervous. Band also gives me the chance to have fun everyday.”
“Music has taught me discipline, patience, and has made me a more intelligent person.”
To a 4th Grader: “It may seem overwhelming to have to learn notes and learn about your instrument, but everyone else is in the same situation. Before you know it, you’ll be playing music!”
“Being in Band has opened up a new possible career option as well as a new talent. Playing an instrument allows me to appreciate several kinds of music.”
“Band is a fun way to break up the school day, and it lets you be creative and even improvise on some parts of songs.”
“I think every student coming to the Middle School should join Band. You get to meet new friends, perform in front of people, and learn a skill that you can take with you all of your life.”
“When I am having a bad day I can play my instrument and feel better.”
“Joining Band is awesome! You get to make new friends quicker and learn an instrument. You also have the advantage of becoming more musical. One day Band may help you play your favorite song on your very own instrument.”
“JOIN! It’s a lot of fun and a great experience.”
“Starting Band has given me a whole new set of goals in my life. From playing an instrument, I have found a desire to take lessons to further my skill and allow more time to play and understand music. We are always being taught interesting things in this class to make an amazing sound. It’s just a lot of fun… The satisfaction of mastering something that once gave you a lot of trouble is a great feeling.”
“Playing in Band has given me a positive view of my school and lets me have a period where all I need to bring is an instrument and a positive attitude. Also, if it wasn’t for band, I wouldn’t have as many friends as I do now.”
“Playing music is fun and can open you up to new ways to express yourself.”
“Being in Band and playing an instrument has taught me control. Not just control of my breathing, but self-control as well… It’s one class where you don’t get worksheets everyday but are still learning.”
“It’s a different learning environment… you learn hands-on. It’s not just about learning music that you’re playing; it’s about becoming “one,” cooperating, and trying your best.”