Offerings by Grade Level


Students receive general music in grades K-6 once per week as a part of the school day. Beginning in 4th grade, all students participate in Chorus once per week with several concerts throughout the school year. Students may elect to continue with Chorus in grades 5-12.

Beginning in 5th grade, students may elect to participate in Band and will receive weekly instrument lessons in 5th and 6th grade during the school day in place of General Music. They will also participate in Band Rehearsals all together during the school day. 5th Grade Band meets once per week, 6th Grade Band meets three times per week, and 7th Grade Band meets everyday as an elective.

Detailed Descriptions

Nothing, yet.

General Music once per week (all students)

1st Grade
General Music once per week (all students)

2nd Grade
General Music once per week (all students)

3rd Grade
General Music once per week (all students)

4th Grade
General Music once per week (all students)
Chorus once per week (all students)
Recorder (all students)

5th Grade
General Music once per week (non-band students)
Band Rehearsals once per week (all band students)
Instrument Lessons once per week (all band students)
Chorus Rehearsal once per week for non-band students

6th Grade
General Music once per week (non-band students)
Band Rehearsals twice per week (all band students)
Instrument Lessons once per week (all band students)
Chorus after school

7th Grade
Band Rehearsals everyday combined
Chorus after school

High School, grades 8 – 12
All Bellingham High School students must complete one Fine Arts course as part of their graduation requirements for grades 9 – 12. Students can elect to enroll in a Music or Visual Art course to meet this graduation requirement.  The Massachusetts State Curriculum Standards state that all students must be proficient in at least one fine arts area before graduating high school.  Music courses at the high school level meet this proficiency requirement.

Performance-Based courses at Bellingham High School are full year, academic courses:
Concert Band or Honors Concert Band
Senior High Chorus or Honors Senior High Chorus
8th Grade Band
8th Grade Chorus

Music Elective courses are half-year, academic courses:
Music Theory & Technology
Music & Art in the 20th Century: American Popular Music

New Courses for 2015 – 2016 school year: Music Appreciation: Beginning Guitar and World Drumming (half-year course)

All 8th Grade students will be enrolled in a quarterly rotation of these electives: 8th Grade Music, Computer Technology, Physical Education and Health.