Chorus Concert Update 3/14

All Town Chorus Concert scheduled for Wednesday, March 14 has been changed to an open dress rehearsal format “Sing & Share.” Students will sing for each other in the auditorium in casual clothing. Families are welcome to stay or drop-off/pick-up. We will run this program from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Because students will be singing for each other, there will be approximately 500 seats in the auditorium, we will publish on Facebook Live as well. There is still the Mattress Fundraiser Kick-Off meeting at 6:30 p.m. – if we get 70 adults to attend, we will get a $500 donation to the music program. If school is cancelled tomorrow, both events will also be canceled. If you have any questions, please email your student’s teacher Ms. Signa or Ms. Forte