Summer Scholarships
BFOM Summer Scholarship 2016 – application
The Bellingham Friends of Music is offering 10 Summer Scholarships to current band or chorus students who are interested in attending a summer music camp, music masterclass or workshop. These scholarships will be $100 each and will be paid via reimbursement after completion of the program. If more than 10 students, apply the music staff will make decisions on the awards. Families are encouraged to download and complete the application above – the application DUE DATE is Thursday, September 15, 2016. Please mail or send the applications to your student’s music teacher by the deadline.
Please note: these summer scholarships are intended for MUSIC EDUCATION programs – not a sports camp, scout camp, etc. Listed below are some local camps that we highly recommend, but you are not limited to this list. We encourage you to research other music opportunities in the area.
Families are responsible for registering students for summer camps – including deposits and tuition up-front.
Some Recommended Local Music Camps:
South Shore Conservatory – middle and high school students, all instruments and jazz included.
Foxboro Jazz Camp – all ages, all instruments and vocalists
Foxboro Instrumental Music Camp – grades 5 through 9, all instruments
Rhode Island College Music Institute – grade 9 through 12, all instruments and voices
University of New Hampshire Summer Youth Music School – middle school and high school sessions, all instruments and voices